Notice/caution: adalah salah satu text fungsional yang berupa petunjuk agar seseorang melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu. Notice/caution ini dapat berupa phrasa (gabungan kata), clausa (kalimat), atau berupa gambar/tanda/sign.
Warning: Larangan agar supaya seseorang tidak melakukan hal tersebut karena dianggap sangat berbahaya. Jadi, warning hampir sama seperti notice tapi tingkat bahayanya lebih tinggi dari notice. Sehingga larangannya bersifat lebih keras
Note: To emphasize points or remind readers of something, or to indicate minor problems in the outcome of what they are doing.
Warning: To warn readers about the possibility of minor injury to themselves or others.
Caution: To warn readers about possible damage to equipment or data or about potential problems in the outcome of what they are doing.
Danger: To warn readers about the possibility of serious or fatal injury to themselves or others.
thank you
BalasHapusfinally, I use it.. thanks unieq